What's the best order to do the DLC so that it's a challenge but not near impossible. Best Order to Play Them? :: Borderlands GOTY. If you want a real challenge though, leave the DLC off until after you've reached the Vault Boss on a 2nd. Claptrap's Robolution is intended on being done last, as it ends right in the same place as you started the game in the first place, but I think the level scaling is the same as General Knoxx. Supposedly Director's Cut (Hemivorous raid) was meant to have happened sometime after the main campaign and before DLC 2 as it's referenced in some dialogue most people probably wouldn't have noticed The Underdome is best done with a high leveled character (yours) playing as player 2, and a bait character under level 12 playing as player 1 on splitscreen to lower the difficulty. 3 and Designer's Cut (Arms Race) are completely standalone. Thanks If you really care about continuity within the DLCs, 1, 2 & 4 are connected very minimally through a side questline. But what about DLC content? Is there any way that I should play them? I'm interested in the order for all the games! And also curious to know if the order is correct. I believe the order of them is: bl1-bl2-bltps-tftbl-bl3. (Includes Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel). Buy Borderlands: The Handsome Collection for £15.69 at Amazon.You can start all of them at the same time, and progress through each story as you want Doing all the DLC's in normal mode will not make this any better. If you are already level 39 in Normal mode you are already over levelled. Their storyline assumes that you have completed the first playthrough.
same with the underdome but i feel like the underdome probably is around 30 if i had to guess. knoxx starts around level 30 and the clap trap one im not sure cause i never played it. well you can play the zombie dlc around level 20 though it starts at like level 10 and what not.Home Borderlands DLC order to play Borderlands Dlc at Amazo